The Harding Academy Difference
Welcome to Harding Academy!

Since 1924, Harding Academy has sought to be intentional about educating hearts and minds for eternity. We diligently work to design learning experiences that honor God and challenge our students to pursue their passions, dreams, and the plans God has for their future.
Through the programs at Harding Academy, students are prepared to make a difference in the world in which we live. Whether our students are involved in fine arts, athletics, or STEM, we are preparing our students to change the world for the better. Your student will be encouraged to discover outstanding educational experiences while they develop a deeper faith in Jesus Christ.
With our foundation set in Jesus Christ, our administration, faculty, and staff strive to follow our mission to not only be excellent educators but to also continually grow spiritually as they lead their students on the same journey. Our faculty nurtures and motivates all students so that they reach their greatest potential to become successful.
Harding Academy strives to be a Christ-centered school that cultivates a love for learning. We are a community of faith and we invite you to be a part of our Wildcat family.
Creating a passion for living and learning for Christ,
Jim Gurchiek
Christ-Centered Education
We are called as a Christian school to prepare our students to be “salt and light” in this world. We believe all students have the potential to use their God-given strengths and talents to their fullest use in His service. Whether it is in worship, service, or academic endeavors, we want to deliver a unique, Christ-centered experience for our students. One that will help them grow as Jesus did . . . in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.
Harding Academy is a place for spiritual formation. Through its Bible classes and Student Association, students are involved with service projects throughout the year.
Our Mission
Harding Academy is a Christ-centered school that promotes academic excellence while building a relationship with God and the community
Our Vision
The Harding Academy family will be image bearers of Christ in all endeavors as we server in the school, in the community, and into the future.
Harding Academy is accredited by the Arkansas Nonpublic School Accrediting Agency (ANSAA) and the National Christian School Association (NCSA).